Today I am going to tell you the possibility in earning money for real in facebook. As we all know facebook is the leading social media in the blogosphere and it has all the power in the world to help us earn extra money online. What a cool ways to earn money right? While we are connected waiting for our friends to chat or waiting for the harvest time of our crops why don't we get busy on monetizing online.. Am I right?
So now the question is, Do you want to earn money while you are in facebook? Do you often find yourself opening your facebook account? Because you know it is really possible to earn extra money in facebook. No kidding. You just have to take some effort and you will be rewarded with cash. No sweat...
Here are the requirements to make you started:
1. A facebook account.. of course this is the #1. If you don't have one pls sign up here. Don't worry its free..
2. A Paypal account. - through this you will receive your payments instantly. Again if you don't have one sign up here. It's also free.
3. log in to your facebook account and click this Cloudcrowd.
then click allow cloudcrowd. Then fill up the required informations such as e-mail and paypal account and voila start earning.
again till my next post. happy earnings..